Friday, September 14, 2007


Splenorenal(containing splenic vessels and tail of pancreas) and gastrosplenic (containing short gastrics above and left gastroepiploic below) ligaments. These form splenic pedicle.
Splenic artery from coeliac trunk (with left gastric and common hepatic) Artery usually in front of vein. Accessory spleen in 10-30%.

The splenic artery is the most unpredictable in the human body
Consider bowel prep for splenomegaly as there may be adhesions between spleen and colon
Upper midline or reverse Kocher
Access lesser sac through gastrocolic ligament. Ligate gastroepiploic artery and vein
Locate splenic artery at superior border of pancreas
Double ligate with distal ligatures
Divide short gastrics one at a time
Divide splenophrenic ligaments
Mobilise spleen
Be careful of tail of pancreas
Divide and ligate all branches of the splenic artery

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