Saturday, September 29, 2007

Preoperative considerations

a. Indication for surgery, i.e. the disease
b. Investigation, diagnosis, treatment and outcome
i. Preparation
ii. Procedure
iv.Side effects/complications
1. General including CVS (AMI, CCF, arrhythmia, stroke), respiratory (chest infection/atelectasis), urinary retention, DVT/PE, death
2. Surgical – non-specific (bleeding, infection) and specific
c. Other options for investigation, diagnosis and treatment
d. Effects of declining intervention
e. Recovery and return to work.
f. Cost
2. Preadmission/anaesthetic clinic
3. Pre-operative blood work and imaging
4. DVT prophylaxis – TEDS/heparin/SCCD
5. AB prophylaxis – Cephalothin 1g IV

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