Monday, October 1, 2007


Upper limb
•Arm – make a longitudinal incision laterally from deltoid insertion to lateral epicondyle. Identify the intermuscular septum and divide fascia anterior and posterior to this, decompressing both compartments. The radial nerve crosses the septum posterior to anterior halfway down the arm.
•Forearm – make an incision longitudinally across the wrist and divide the carpal tunnel. Extend this incision transversely down to the ulnar border of the wrist, run up the ulnar border of the forearm and then transversely across the cubital crease. Divide the bicipital aponeurosis as necessary. To release the dorsal compartment, make a longitudinal incision down the length of the forearm.

Lower limb
•Thigh – Make an incision from the greater trochanter to the lateral condyle of the femur and incise the iliotibial tract. Reflect the vastus lateralis off the intermuscular septum and incise the septum longitudinally the whole length of the septum. To decompress the medial compartment a separate incision is required.
•Leg – Two incision technique.
oMake an incision longitudinally through skin and fascia centred between the fibula and the tibial tuberosity. Decompress the anterior compartment in line with tibialis anterior. Identify the lateral septum and superficial peroneal nerve and decompress the lateral compartment.
oMake a second incision longitudinally, 2cm medial to the subcutaneous medial border of the tibia. Release the superficial compartment and the deep compartment over the FDL. Identify tibialis posterior and release its fascia.

Popliteal artery relations
AVN(posterior tibial) from medial to lateral, NVA in lower part.

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